Game Night
SavyGamer Game Night: Joe Danger
Tonight’s the first Game Night exclusively for PS3 players – we’re playing Joe Danger, the wacky stunt-bike-em-up just released this week on PSN. While the game doesn’t support multiplayer, it’s chock-full of leaderboards, and we’ll be using them to track our progress against each other.
So that we can see your scores, add both LewieP and Willeth on PSN with a note saying you’re a reader, and we’ll be able to collate all the scores that the community racks up during the night. We’ll be posting the leaderboard on here on Saturday, so you’ll want to get your times down as much as possible. You can also add each other to compare time, of course – just leave your PSN name in the comments for this post if you want to share scores with the rest of the SavyGamer clan.
We’ll be hanging out in the SavyGamer Steam chat room, in order to trash talk and organise a few scheduled runs on a specific stage. If you’re not part of the SavyGamer Steam group yet, why not? Go sign up!
We’ll see you out on the tracks!
0SavyGamer Game Night: L4D2 – Chainsaw Massacre
Tonight is the second L4D2 night in a series of gaming nights with SavyGamer. We’ll be playing the newly-released Mutation in Left 4 Dead 2, entitled Chainsaw Massacre, and no matter if you’ve got L4D2 on PC or 360, you can jump into a game with us.
If you’re playing on PC, simply join the Steam group for SavyGamer and jump into Lewie’s lobby, or any of the many lobbies the community will be running.
If you’re playing on 360, add the Gamertag We R SavyGamers and use the friends-of-friends feature to find other people on that list to play with. In addition, if you’re on the 360 and you’ve played every Mutation so far, you’ll unlock a Gnome Chompski avatar item to show off.
Remember that you’ll need The Passing in order to play the Mutations in L4D2, so make sure that your game has updated through Steam or that you’ve purchased the game add-on on the 360 if you want to play with us. While the event starts officially at 7:30, feel free to get a group together earlier and chop up some guts.
0SavyGamer Game Night: Red Dead Redemption
It’s that time again: SavyGamer Game Night! We’re playing Red Dead Redemption in Free Roam and in multiplayer matches. Simply add the Gamertag We R SavyGamers and use the friends-of-friends feature to find other people on that list to play with. We’ll be joining together in a posse and riding out Old West style.
While there’s isn’t any functionality for clans or metatags on the PS3, feel free to post your PSN usernames in the comments for this post and join up to play. Make sure you let us know how your night went afterwards, too! We start at 7:30 and we’ll be assaulting strongholds, hunting wild animals and picking flowers. You know, like real men do.
If you’re on the PC, join the Steam group for SavyGamer and play what you want! Join the chat and see what games are going.
We’ll see you out on the plains, cowboy.
2SavyGamer Game Night: Halo Reach Beta
It’s the second SavyGamer Game Night! We’re playing the Halo: Reach beta, and today, Invasion launches; large-scale escalating vehicular Spartan vs. Elite combat. In order to get in on the action, you’ll need to load up your ODST campaign disc and select Play the Beta from the main menu, and download the 1.2GB beta if you haven’t already.
Add the Gamertag We R SavyGamers and use the friends-of-friends feature to find other people on that list to play with. We’ll be on for most of the night, and while we’ll be playing Invasion because it’s the new hotness, we’re also down for some Arena, Grab Bag or Free For All, depending on the size of the party. If we’re already in a game, feel free to join in progress nonetheless – you’ll be put into a queue and will automatically join the party once we’re done.
While Halo: Reach isn’t available on the PC or PS3, if you want to play we’re not going to stop you. Remember that the Steam group for SavyGamer still exists, and every single person on there is a certified rad dude.
The event starts officially at 7:30, but if you can be there earlier, the more the merrier. See you in the trenches, Spartan.
1SavyGamer Game Night: L4D2 – Bleed Out
Tonight is the first in a new series of gaming nights with SavyGamer. We’ll be playing the newly-released Mutation in Left 4 Dead 2, entitled Bleed Out, and no matter if you’ve got L4D2 on PC or 360, you can jump into a game with us.
If you’re playing on PC, simply join the Steam group for SavyGamer and jump into Lewie’s lobby, or any of the many lobbies the community will be running.
If you’re playing on 360, add the Gamertag We R SavyGamers and use the friends-of-friends feature to find other people on that list to play with.
Remember that you’ll need The Passing in order to play the Mutations in L4D2, so make sure that your game has updated through Steam or that you’ve purchased the game add-on on the 360 if you want to play with us. While the event starts officially at 7:30, feel free to get a group together earlier and make with the zombie killin’!