SavyGamer Game Night: L4D2 – Bleed Out
Tonight is the first in a new series of gaming nights with SavyGamer. We’ll be playing the newly-released Mutation in Left 4 Dead 2, entitled Bleed Out, and no matter if you’ve got L4D2 on PC or 360, you can jump into a game with us.
If you’re playing on PC, simply join the Steam group for SavyGamer and jump into Lewie’s lobby, or any of the many lobbies the community will be running.
If you’re playing on 360, add the Gamertag We R SavyGamers and use the friends-of-friends feature to find other people on that list to play with.
Remember that you’ll need The Passing in order to play the Mutations in L4D2, so make sure that your game has updated through Steam or that you’ve purchased the game add-on on the 360 if you want to play with us. While the event starts officially at 7:30, feel free to get a group together earlier and make with the zombie killin’!
Wild Bill #
There’s gonna be a TF2 night at some point right? 🙂
Will Templeton #
Of course. We’re going to try and make the game we play each week somewhat relevant to the week’s events, but TF2 makes perfect sense for the Friday after the Mac client launches in a fortnight. Feel free to use the Steam group to find people to play with when it’s not Friday, too!
Wild Bill #
Good stuff! I’ve been a 360 TF2 junkie for an age now. Having just a got a computer that can run stuff more powerful than MSpaint I’m getting into this PC TF2 goodness I’ve been hearing about (though I’ve been using a 360 controller as I can’t get my head round mouse and keyboard – sacrilage I’m sure)