Community Policy

It is my hope that SavyGamer can be a safe place for absolutely all visitors.

I manually moderate all comments before publication, and any that I consider to be rude, hateful towards any groups or individuals, or in any other way contributing to a negative environment will not get posted.

Criticism of either myself, the deals I post, or of any of the companies/individuals involved in deals I have posted is both welcome and appreciated, but only if you can be polite. Debate and discourse is encouraged, and I’m happy for a wide range of perspectives to be represented in the comments, including positions I don’t agree with. Publication does not equate to agreement.

Attacking other users will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

I may also chose to not publish comments if I think the information contained within is irrelevant, redundant or out of date. Please don’t take this personally, I just like to keep things neat if I can.

I also sometimes get busy with other things and leave comments unmoderated for a while. I reckon this is preferable to potentially hosting abuse, but don’t worry if it takes a while for your comment to get published.

If you feel myself or another member of the SavyGamer team have made a mistake in enforcing these policies, or if you have a comment containing urgent information that has not been published, please contact me here.