Mass Effect 3, PC – £17

Mass Effect 3, PC – £17 delivered

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  1. Chris #

    I wonder if the really quick drop in price on this is down to sales dropping once there was such a backlash about the ending?

    Though I guess you still have to spend £8 on DLC to get what is at the moment the most complete version of the game plus whatever gets added in the future.

    • Grimmy #

      I don’t think the corporate world would give such mercy because of bad reception, especially with suhc big titles. Call of Duty keeps getting hated on but they keep their pricetags high for years. That and the games ending, lousy as it was, is apparently being “addressed” (rumoredly re-written, officially we don’t know yet as all BioWare has said is “we’ll adress it in April”.).

      As for the DLC making it a more complete game, I suppose, but in the end even the DLC can’t make an unfinished game like ME3 finished, which is very saddening as a long time fan of the series.

      Either way, a good price. I paid £30 for mine when I pre-ordered it out of faith and love for the series, so £17 is a great price for such a new game.

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