Batman: Arkham City, PC – £16.30

Batman: Arkham City, PC – £16.30

4 Comments Leave yours

  1. Peter #

    Bear in mind that, being Impulse, this will almost certainly cost you more than £16.30 – they only quote sterling prices as examples, and actually bill you in dollars. Aside from variations in exchange rates, most credit card providers will charge a foreign currency transaction fee for this.

  2. Monkey Hanger #

    I just bought this and i was wondering if it is possible to activate this with steam instead of impulse?

    • Tony Heugh #

      Doesn’t seem so, I’m afraid. I certainly couldn’t do that with my retail version and Steam isn’t listed in the DRM.

      • Monkey Hanger #

        ahwell, ill just link it to steam so i can still use the overlay, thanks anyway

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