What are you talking about? They ship to a bunch of European countries for free. Admittedly you’ll have to pay the Euro price, but it 12.49 Euros it still ain’t bad.
Just goes to show it pays to wait a month or to for any new release. Also thanks to this website I now tend to get all my games cheaper then I did on Steam and get a nice box to go with it.
The Russian Bear #
Can confirm it uses steam for activation.
Tony Heugh #
Thank you, Mr Bear.
Jamie Throup #
Is that really digital distribution? Since it’s coming from Play, Isn’t it retail?
Tony Heugh #
My bad, just a misclick. Fixed it now.
Jon #
Thanks for this, been waiting to grab this for under a Tenner! 🙂
Phoxer #
Looks like they only ship the delivery to the UK.. bastards.. no love for the rest of the world..
Delusibeta #
What are you talking about? They ship to a bunch of European countries for free. Admittedly you’ll have to pay the Euro price, but it 12.49 Euros it still ain’t bad.
Phoxer #
My bad, I was trying to pay in £..
Jago #
This has been price-matched on Amazon.
Jon #
Just goes to show it pays to wait a month or to for any new release. Also thanks to this website I now tend to get all my games cheaper then I did on Steam and get a nice box to go with it.
Jon #
Just thought I’d point out this is now up to £15, but still a bargain at that price, fantastic game.