PS3 Slim 160gb & A game – £211

PS3 Slim 160gb & A game – £211 delivered

You also get free Real Triggers.

Add the console & triggers to your basket, then chose an additional game from the following list:
Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit
Dead Space 2 [Limited Edition]

10 Comments Leave yours

  1. Ringwraith #

    Has there been a wide-spread price drop or something?
    That’s the second one now…

    Also, that’s the PC version of AssBro you linked.

    • Ringwraith #

      In fact that’s the PC version of Dead Space 2 and DS version of Fifa too, are you sure that’s right? Seems a bit weird to do a promotion on those specifically across different platforms.

      • Ringwraith #

        Hey, waaaait a minute, who updated the Amazon layout to have a platform tab?
        That’s sure confusing. Nevermind then.

    • Lewie Procter #

      Amazon often pricematch other retailers.

      It automatically resets the platform when I do the affiliate link thing. Just hit PS3 on the platform tab.

      • Ringwraith #

        Yeah, noticed the selection thing, that’s a new.

        At least new since the last time I looked for a multi-platform game on Amazon.

        Though the pricematch is interesting.

  2. just a cat in a hat #

    gah what a shitty time to be broke. been looking at the amazon deal for a while and now it’s even better

  3. G_Man_007 #

    I was just looking at this out of curiosity, and it doesn’t appear to be working.

    • Lewie Procter #

      Did you go to the very last stage of checkout? The discount comes off at the end.

  4. G_Man_007 #

    Have to admit, I didn’t, I’m not entirely thinking straight today, I’m bunged up with a cold, so my brain is less functional than normal… Appleogys.

    • Lewie Procter #

      No worries.

      That’s how amazon always do it though, for future reference. Hope your cold gets better.

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