King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame, PC – £2.24
King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame, PC – £2.24
Or get the Complete Pack for £8.99, with all the DLC.
King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame, PC – £2.24
Or get the Complete Pack for £8.99, with all the DLC.
dancingcrab #
The Saxons DLC is only $1.50 (£2?), so you can get everything but the new pack (the Druids) for $4.50 (£4.50?) if you don’t wanna cough up a whole nine quid.
Diziet #
I was about to say exactly the same thing. It’s what I did. Bizarre that if you look at what you get the saxons dlc has no price, yet if you click it it’s $1.50 and contains what the other two packs add for a $1.50 each. Fricking weird pricing.
Mccy_McFlinn #
I bought this over the Xmas sale when the Druids expansion pack wasn’t available. I’d quite like to grab it but £8 is a little beyond my budget – guess I’ll just wait until it comes down in price later in the year.
Navagon #
Great game. Insane price. All those who haven’t yet – grab it.