RUSE [Pro-Gamer I AM VERY SERIOUS Limited Edition], PC – £24.99

RUSE [Pro-Gamer I AM VERY SERIOUS Limited Edition], PC – £24.99 delivered

Comes with a limited edition RUSE Steel Series Xai Laser Mouse. I think that’s the same as the regular version of the Steel Series Xai Laser Mouse, but it has RUSE written on it.

This is a “very limited edition”, although they have discounted it from the RRP of £79.99, despite only 250 of these being available in the UK. I suspect Ubisoft overestimated the number of professional gamers that needed a new mouse.

The game registers on Steam. The mouse does not.

4 Comments Leave yours

  1. mamac #

    whats going on? do they have none left? 🙁

  2. Rich #

    Looks that way. Maybe it was miss-priced.

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