Upcoming Amazon Black Friday deals revealed?

Someone “leaked” a list of lots of stuff to be included in the Amazon Black Friday sale yesterday, and it turns out that it includes stuff that is actually on sale after the leak occurred, so it’s presumably at least somewhat authentic. There are a few inconsistencies that make me think it’s potentially an early draft of the Black Friday sale, that has since seen revisions.

I say “leaked” of course because there are plenty of reasons that Amazon might want to spread misinformation about what is on sale, and several why they might want to spread accurate information too.

Interestingly, they also include quantity of each item, so we can see how much of each item they have.

Click here to see the full document, and thanks to Neil Cooper for thinking to back it up, because Amazon deleted it from their forums and I hadn’t backed it up.

I’ve sorted through the list for all the gaming items, and put them all in one place for you to consider. Also, I’ve linked to the cheapest price elsewhere for everything, and I’ve have marked them in a disappointing green colour if the Amazon Black Friday price isn’t cheaper than elsewhere. I’ve included stuff that has already gone on sale, because they might repeat them, and you might be interested to see the stock levels they had:

Assassin’s Creed 2 [Goatee Edition], Xbox 360/PS3 – £9.99 (1000 of each). Xbox 360/PS3 – £9.99
Guitar Hero 6: Warriors of Rock [Guitar Bundle] Xbox 360/PS3/Wii – £44.99 (1000 of each). PS3 – £60.26 (apply coupon “B4U”), Xbox 360 – £67 , Wii – £66.79
Just Dance, Wii – £9.99 (1000). £14.99
Mafia 2, PS3 – £14.99 (1000). £24.99
Nintendo Wii – £50 (1000). £139.99
Shaun White skateboarding, Xbox 360/PS3/Wii – £15.99 (1000 of each). Xbox 360/PS3/Wii – £14.99
PSPgo – £110 (500). £134.95 from Zavvifail.
HAWX 2, Xbox 360/PS3 – £9.99 (1000 of each). Xbox 360/PS3 – £13.99
Vanquish, Xbox 360/PS3 – £17.99 (1000 of each). Xbox 360/PS3 – £17.99
Xbox 360 4gb – £50 (500). £134.93

Interesting things to note:
The leaked list is incomplete, so there may be items outside of this list available too.
It’s the pointlessly small capacity 4gb 360, rather than the “one you actually want” 250gb version, and you can’t (officially) use the old hard drive with the new shape console either. Because Microsoft want you to buy a new hard drive from them. For lots of money.
The price on the PS3 version of Vanquish got reduced the second time it got posted. Perhaps because it wasn’t selling too well, it’s available for less than the original Amazon Black Friday price elsewhere anyway. Perhaps prices on other items will change.
Some of the prices can’t be right, because the supposed Black Friday price is the same as, or higher than, the current standard Amazon price (eg Shaun White skateboarding)
Even if this leak is totally accurate as of when it got leaked, Amazon obviously know about the leak, and would have plenty of time to change the deals.

So there’s the info, hopefully that’s some use in deciding whether to try and get some of the stuff.

8 Comments Leave yours

  1. Ben Rose #

    Amusingly, the main difference between AC2 and AC2 – Goatee edition is that Ezio grows a beard.

  2. goatmonkey #

    apparently you can modify an old 360 hard drive for use in the new one which is what I will be doing should I get one


    • Oliver #

      Note that leaves you open to getting banned off xbl

  3. David M #

    Is it even possible to by a bigger hard drive for the new slim 360? I’ve never seen them for sale.

  4. TheToiletDuck #

    According to the list you can buy South Africa for 15quid. Not my first choice in countries but not a bad deal.

  5. Aradiel #

    As a note, according to people on Gamecentral, Vanquish was actually £9.99. I guess the rest of us just missed it.

    • Lewie Procter #

      first time both versions were up they were £17.99, then second time round the PS3 version only was £9.99

      • Aradiel #

        Ah, right. That’s pretty pants.

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