F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin, PC – £2.49
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin, PC – £2.49
Now, this is from the horrible Microsoft Games for Windows Live Games on Demand service, but FEAR2 is a Steamworks game, so it should just register on Steam.
But that seems a little unlike Microsoft, so maybe not…I am going to buy it and find out.
Cheers for the heads up Red.
Update: It does not register on Steam.
Ricc #
It’s weird, that there even is a FEAR2 version, that doesn’t plug into Steam. I guess the pirates are going to be happy…
Red #
Yeah, that sucks. Thanks for trying it out for us, Mr P.
mamac #
Stupid microsoft avoid their GFWL stick with steam 🙂
Adam #
I was hoping it would work with Steam 🙁
Paul Moloney #
Hmm, I debated about buying it, but as GFWL appears to think I live in California, and won’t allow me to add a local credit card, I guess I can’t.
What a POS.
Jago #
The game’s awful so you’re not missing much.
Jamie #
The games incredible! Don’t listen to him!
Peewi #
“It does not register on Steam.”
Doesn’t that screw over people that want the DLC?
sassy #
steam support states:
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
will register on steam. Anyone know if GFWLM is in that format?
Max #
Just bought it and tried to register the key on steam – can confirm it does not work.
MaxNormal #
And another thing – it includes the Reborn DLC which is a nice touch. They don’t tell you anywhere in the GFWL store, once you install it it is there.
PacMan #
I live in Germany and in the German version of the GFWL client there is no link to any FEAR 2 deal. I can only see it on their website with prices either in UKPounds or USDollars. Does anyboy know how I could buy this game? Could giving my credentials to a friend in the US solve my problem? He would log in with my info and I would later download it here in Germany. Has anybody experience with doing such things? Help is much appreciated.
Thank you in advance.