Kirby's Epic Yarn [Import], Wii – £35.84

Kirby’s Epic Yarn [Import], Wii – £35.84 delivered

USA version. It’s not out here until next year. It’s easy enough to get a Wii set up to be region free, let me know if you’re interested.

Edit: Hmm, seems like the release date is actually November 12th, not next year. Not sure which is right, but I’ve seen both listed.

4 Comments Leave yours

  1. cabbeh #

    What’s the point in Nintendo blaming piracy for bad sales if they still do staggered releases like this?

    They be crazy

    • Lewie Procter #

      They are a lot better than they used to be, but this one is pretty bad.

  2. Pretty certain it’s next year in Europe.

  3. Official line is it’s still next year for Europe.

    @cabbeh: There’s a lot of audio and text because the story’s told in a “storybook” style of a parent reading a bedtime story to a child. This takes time to localise in French, Italian, German, Spanish, etc. [commonly referred to as FIGS in the industry].

    Also, it may be interesting to note that Nintendo themselves haven’t blamed piracy for bad sales; quite the opposite. Transcriptions of shareholder Q&A sessions often show Iwata outlining why they /can’t/ blame piracy for slow sales. It’s usually lazy publishers like Ubisoft blaming piracy after they’ve flooded the DS library with shovelware titles and oversaturated everyone’s patience for them (including little kids). Also worth mentioning is the ridiculous recent Capcom statement of “oh, er, no, there won’t be a Super Street Fighter 4 release for PC. SF4 actually sold rather well, but there was a lot of piracy so we won’t bother this time”.

    We live in a world where companies go:
    – Our studies show there’s demand for it.
    – Our numbers say the prequel sold well.


    Um, sorry for going off on a bit of a rant…

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