A sad thing

Back in the days of SavyGamer 1.0, a guy who went by the name of The Rev Owen wrote a couple of reviews for SavyGamer. I’ve since moved them to the new site (here and here).

I just heard news that out of the blue, he has sadly died of what appears to have been a heart attack.

I’ve internet known him for a while, and he was a top bloke. He has also left behind his wife/significant other, who I didn’t really know. She currently has no income, but there is a fund for her here, and if you could spare a donation, that would help her out a lot. The money is paying to get her Mum and brother to England, and then help her out with other costs.

I don’t know what else to say other than he will be missed.

3 Comments Leave yours

  1. Rich #

    Of course we, in the UK, can make good use of the exchange rate to help her a little bit more.

  2. DrDark #

    Oh my… I, didn’t really know him, but was only recently reading his comments on one of RevStu’s articles (the angry birds one). This is all a bit sudden :-\ …will see what I can do.

  3. Zilla360 #

    Too many good people die too soon. :/

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