Borderlands [Goatee Edition], PC – £14.99
Borderlands [Goatee Edition], PC – £14.99 delivered
Comes with all three current released DLCs and the fourth one that will be out by the time this is, and a hand drawn map.
Compares to £10 for the bog standard edition.
John Griffin #
Will this unlock on steam?
Lewie Procter #
Tacroy #
What the heck is the “goatee edition”? I can’t figure it out.
jameskond #
Game of the Year Edition?
Lewie Procter #
ding ding ding
Tacroy #
Oh poor Lewie! Your weekly contact with RPS has clearly resulted in an acute case of severe brain puns.
Lewie Procter #
This one is actually a Willeth original that I’ve decided to start using again.