DJ Hero 2: Party Pack, Xbox 360 – £33.74

DJ Hero 2: Party Pack, Xbox 360 – £33.74 delivered

Apply coupon “FTSL15-1”.

This is DJ Hero 2, and two turntable controllers. This is almost certainly a mis-price, but there is precedent for Tesco honouring mis-priced preorders in the past (Left4Dead 2 for £15 at release).

18 Comments Leave yours

  1. Rich #

    Standard Tesco procedure. They never honour misprices and do it purely for the traffic.

    • Lewie Procter #

      Not sure I agree. Whilst I do agree that they probably won’t honour it, there’s not really anything to lose by trying.

  2. Chris #

    Yeah, Tesco spat in my face and called me a dirty tramp when I tried the £15 preorder for L4D2

    (OK so they just cancelled the order, and gave me a £5 voucher).

    I would say this’ll get cancelled.

    • Lewie Procter #

      Some people did get it though

  3. Fnerk #

    Ordered if just to give Tesco more work when cancelling. Tesco’s Lowest Price Pre-Order Promise is complete bull, they’re unlikely to honour such a massive misprice. Either that or they’ll just amend the product details so this is the disc only version of DJ Hero 2.

  4. Can’t speak for everyone else, but the Tesco pre-order on L4D2 didn’t work for me either.

  5. Rohaq #

    I’d be trying this, if the fucking checkout page would actually load.

    • Rohaq #

      Got it working, will let people know what happens.

  6. ShinyMcShine #

    Tesco didn’t honor my L4D2 order either but still took my £15 and kept it for 10 days before refunding it.

  7. Vivalahazy #

    I’ve put an order in, I’ll wait to see what happens

  8. Fnerk #

    The product title has now changed to ‘DJ Hero 2 Software’ and people who have ordered should check their bank balances immediately: £33.74 has suddenly vanished from my account.

    • Lewie Procter #

      So it has. I’ve not been charged yet though.

  9. Michael Jones #

    I ordered it, my email receipt says “DJ Hero 2 Party Pack (Double Deck) Game £39.70”.

    I’ll check my account in the morning, really didn’t think that they would take the money out this early, due to their pre order promise thing and how everybody else conducts business.

    • Fnerk #

      This is Tesco though. Remember their next motto:

      • Michael Jones #

        They didn’t send me an email cancelling it. Instead they changed the order on my page without notifying me. Never going to shop there again, have rattled off an angry email.

  10. Aradiel #

    A little confusing, the item has been changed to be software, but my order history still says party pack. Then, when I click to view the order in greater detail, it says the software.

    At least I have the receipts and one page with correct information if something goes wrong.

    • Mike M #

      They ‘should’ email us when they do something like this (I.e. change the product you are pre ordering) so lets hope we really are still getting the party pack and not just the game.

  11. Rohaq #

    Looks like they just removed my order without emailing me; I’ll be sure to check my bank though.

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