I’m giving the cogs a polish, and the lightbulbs needs changing.
Ooh, pretty trees.
Edit: The site works fine in the meantime, it’s just I’ve reverted to the plebeian default wordpress theme for a bit. Hopefully not more than 24 hours.
Edit2: And we’re back. Let me know if you notice any kinks, but I am more than ready to forget everything I ever learnt about html and crawl up in the foetal position. Not touching that again for a long time. I accidentally fiddled with the fonts, but I kind of like the new MASSIVE headlines. What do you lot think?
rikkit #
Ooh, Flattr.
Lewie Procter #
Yeah, I thought I’d give it a go. It seems pretty cool so far. I’ll make a post about it once everything back up and running.