XFX ATI Radeon 5850 + Assassins Creed, Modern Warfare 2 & Aliens Vs Predator TWO THOUSAND AND TEN – £229.99

XFX ATI Radeon 5850 + Assassins Creed, Modern Warfare 2 & Aliens Vs Predator TWO THOUSAND AND TEN – £229.99 delivered

Presumably all three games are through Steam. MW2 and AVP definitely are.

Edit: Aradiel said that he got this, and Assassins Creed was on a disc, but the other two were indeed Steam codes.

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  1. Aradiel #

    I bought this a week or two ago. It is a very nice card, but it only shipped with Assassin’s Creed (as a disc) – the other two came today as steam codes.

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