Splinter Cell: Conviction, Xbox 360 – £29.71
Splinter Cell: Conviction, Xbox 360 – £29.71 in store at Asda
Thanks to a web site that I am not going to credit because I am petty.
I can’t find a price from PC World just yet, but they will probably be selling it for at least £40, making it roughly £28.70 via their price match.
I wouldn’t be too surprised if the other supermarkets are going to want to beat that price too.
Edit: I guess that’s Amazon matching Asda then, £29.71 delivered
Mac #
From what I have read so far there doesn’t appear to be a multiplayer mode, just a number fo co-op games … probably worth a rental, but I doubt i’ll buy it to play through ~10 hours of game and then leave it on my shelf.
Shame the PC version will have the Ubi DRM too – makes that a definate no buy