Book Bitchez: Let's show those boys that girls can read books too

I’ve had enough of those silly boys acting like girls can’t read books.

I’ve decided to assemble an elite team of hot chicks who can show those boys that girls can kick ass at reading too! It is going to be awesome. Go super-feminism! You can dominate those boys if you try hard enough!

Phase 1: A competition. I need to find girls that can read the most words in a day, to prove that they have the most attitude and mad literary skillz. Being able to read lots of words proves that potential Book Bitchez have got what it takes to be supreme literacy aspiration figures, and just have lots of fun

Phase 2: Then we get all the successful Book Bitchez candidates from phase 1, and have a photoshoot of them reading books, to see who has got the real spirit within to spread the power of feminine reading to the world, and show once and for all that girls can read too!

Phase 3: Once we have picked our team of extra-awesome Book Bitchez, we set up blogs where the world can see the real side to our hot girls. We photoblog, videoblog, and most importantly wordblog about what it takes to fight the power, and promote reading for girls around the world! Go lady literacy!

Phase 4: Then we send our team of Book Bitchez to book events to push whatever the publishers that give us financial backing ask us to whore out, and spread the word about how girls can read just as well as boys. That way everyone can hear our message of female word power!

If you think you have got what it takes to be a figurehead for gals who like reading, email us at

No fatties

7 Comments Leave yours

  1. Truly brilliant lewie, although I guess my chances of getting a copy of assassins creed 2 from you to review are getting slimmer by the day.

  2. Shadowmancer #

    LOL, Go Lewie lets go and change the world, and Frag Dolls while we are at it.

  3. Whilst, deep down I agree with the sentiment you’re putting forward – ie. Frag Dollz are not what I consider to be the greatest way of marketing Ubisoft games/gaming in general. I do think that entering into a slanging match with them/their supporters does nothing for this site. Sure, it will generate traffic for SavyGamer, but will it earn you any respect?

    If people are like me, they want to come here and read about games you have seen, played or are generally talking about and not how you got into a handbag swinging contest with a group of girls who didn’t know much about Prince of Persia when you spoke to them.

    Maybe I’m a minority, maybe I’m a lone voice in the void and of course, you can just ignore what I say – I just thought I’d share my own proverbial “two cents” on the matter. I hope I haven’t come across as too harsh, I often enjoy hearing of your exploits and I’m just looking to see things back on track, focusing on the games you play.

    • @Jaffo #

      I agree (in a way long enough to get past the ‘your comment was a bit too short’ filter)

    • Lewie Procter #

      I think I’ve got it out of my system now.

  4. “If you think you have got what it takes to be a figurehead for gals who like reading, email us at

    The e-mail bounced.

  5. FunkyLlama #

    I expected humour and got cringeworthy attempts at satire. Disappointing.

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