Psychonauts, PC – £1

Psychonauts, PC – £1

4 Comments Leave yours

  1. Jakkar #

    No-one has any excuse not to buy it. No-one!

  2. *Looks at bank account balance*



  3. Mik #

    Wow, what a coincidence – just finished re-playing that on the old xbox last night. Still really good, and well worth a single note.

  4. SmallGods #

    I have a boxed (cardboard no less) US import copy sitting on my shelf behind me, full of those odd “CD” things..

    Still jumped at this chance the moment I saw it though, I’m not one of these bitter mumbling Steam haters, and the idea of preserving Psychonauts in a form I can get at as long as I have a net connection…pleases me..

    Also, dear lord, let the sales on this event be sky high, and hence let them take notice and make a sequel, or at least more like ON THE PC! (I’m looking at you here damn you Brutal Legend!!)

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