I think it should be noted you can get $400US worth of games in THQ’s pack (including the entire Red Faction, Dawn of War, and Company of Heroes series) for just $50, which is positively insane. Really, please note it! I can’t help but feel people are missing out.
MacQ #
If it would only be in “retail” section, then I would buy them.
Glove #
I think it should be noted you can get $400US worth of games in THQ’s pack (including the entire Red Faction, Dawn of War, and Company of Heroes series) for just $50, which is positively insane. Really, please note it! I can’t help but feel people are missing out.
MacQ #
Well, if you get them for 50$ then that’s what they’re worth and not 400$.
hydra9 #
Also well worth noting: It’s five days of seperate one-day sales. The next one starts (bizarrely) in 5 hours.
Lewie Procter #
Yeah, I realised that after posting this, about to post the second day now.