Dragon Age: Origins Competition – Winners Step forward

After a bloody long time spent deciding, I have picked three winners for the Dragon Age Competition.

The winners are:

By Tibor


By Toby

And one more on the way.

Congratulations to the winners (keep and eye on your inboxes), commiserations to those who didn’t win. Pretty much every entry was fantastic in one way or another, so you should all be proud of that.

You can get Dragon Age: Origins from D2D here, or Amazon here.

Sorry taking so long, here is the third winner:
By Sam

33 Comments Leave yours

  1. Bob gilliam #

    Can we see the other entries? : )

    • Lewie Procter #

      Sure, I’ll upload the best of the rest later, busy atm.

      • Bob gilliam #

        :c not to moan.. but it has been 5 days..

  2. Zilla360 #

    These are awesome. 😀

  3. Yontan #

    Wow, thats some pretty awesome drawingz. I like! 🙂

  4. Toby #

    Hooray! My doodle won! You made my day, Lewie.

  5. karar #

    YES! i won.. THANK YOU!!!!

  6. Mithrandir0x #

    Congratulations both of you :3

  7. Hat’s off to the winners. Those are some really good pictures of dragons right there.

  8. karar #

    btw if it is allowed… if anyone wants this Dragon Age: Deluxe edition (worth 40 pound) then I am willing to exchange it with a steam code of COD6: Modern Warfare 2 (36 pound game). So, u save 4 pounds.. plz contact me (karar2k [at] gmail.com)

    • Jakkar #

      Karar, you’re an ungrateful slut =P

      I’d like to have entered, but I have enough trouble getting stylus to tablet at the best of times, let alone mid-flu. Congratulations to the rest of you, hope you enjoy =) If you do, go back and check out the old classics like Baldur’s Gate 2, Jagged Alliance 2 and Planescape Torment, all very similar games in various good ways.

      • karar #

        nah! i am VERY grateful for it. its just tht if someone has a better use of it then i would be willing to exchange it. but if not then i would use it myself.

  9. Lewie Procter #

    Yeah, that seems pretty low Karar, if you didn’t want the game you shouldn’t have really entered the competition, there were loads of other people who did want the game who entered,

    It’s too late for me to do anything now, but don’t expect to win any other competitions here on SavyGamer.

    • Matt #

      It’s certainly not too late for you to do anything about it now, didn’t you set some terms and conditions “My say goes”? 😛

      Especially when he has the cheek to bounce it in his own competition:

      • Matt #

        Additionally, he seems to run a warez store?


        For 150 indian rupees he burns games onto DVD and mails them to you.

        150 rupees is about 2 British Pounds.

      • Lewie Procter #

        Funny how he ended up not giving the prize away after it was revoked.

  10. Lewie Procter #

    How horrible.

    I’m taking steps to see if I can get his prize revoked. By “It’s too late” I meant, I think he has already received it. Hopefully D2D will be able to revoke it, and I can pick a new winner.

  11. Jimbo #

    What is it with (some) gamers? This exact thing happened after the Giant Bomb PAX competition – the dude won a copy of Beatles Rockband and access to the Starcraft 2 beta from a Blizz guy on the panel, he then went and tried to sell the beta access at the Blizzard stand. He didn’t even have a beta key, just an email address to contact the guy from the panel. Smooth!

  12. Lewie Procter #

    It’s cool guys, luckily D2D are on the ball, and managed to revoke his serial, so I’m going to pick a new winner tonight. Let’s see what he does with his competition ;D

    • Toby #

      Sounds good. That stunt was a little too cheeky, I think. 🙂

      You can rest assured that I intend to enjoy the game this weekend, after the download completes (1.6 GB left).

      And thanks again for picking my entry. And for the blog too, even though it is hardly a money saver, since I spend more on games now, than before I discovered it. Can’t… resist… bargains!

  13. Jamie A #

    Goodness me :O what a turn of events.. *crosses fingers again*

  14. Tibor #

    Hey, I won! Thanks, LP!

    • Jamie A #

      Took you a while to notice XD Congrats though!

  15. Matt #

    One more winner soon. 😀

  16. Larissa #

    >_< another chance for me to win. *is excited*

  17. the suspence is kill me

    • OregonSlacker #

      Pretty Cheeky if you ask me!! Send that copy my way I know my picture was a winner 😉

  18. Mo #

    Hey man, I had no idea whether my flickr link reached you or not, but here’s the link just in case, considering the turn of events.


    Woah, the competition was tough though, and congratulations to all the present winners.

    • Nice dragons!

      I couldn’t use my scanner either so I just did a rubbish mouse drawing. I didn’t think of using my camera… d’oh!.

      One thing does leave me a touch baffled. You used a camera because your scanner doesn’t like your mac but if you don’t have a PC what are you indending to use to play the prize if you win?

      • Mo #

        Haha, good question, I hadn’t gotten a PC lately since I just recently finished my high school final exams. But since they’re all over I was planning on buying one.

  19. Matt #

    Haha, I’m disappointed I didn’t win, but a dragon made from “Savy Gamer” text is quite excellent. Congrats to all winners.

    • Bob gilliam #

      I call shenanigans! >: O he is picking his friends as winners!

  20. Bob gilliam #

    Thanks for wasting our time >: (

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