Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, Xbox 360 – £9.99
Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, Xbox 360 – £9.99 in store at GAME
Mine didn’t have any stock of the PS3/PC version (not that anywhere has any stock of the PC version), but they might be similarly marked down.
Paul Moloney #
Whatever happened to the PC version? I couldn’t buy it for love nor money (well, money anyway).
Lewie Procter #
It got a very very limited printing. Obviously because PC gamers are all pirates.
Paul Moloney #
Even by the standards of games publishers, that’s dumb (I tried to order a copy just after release so it wasn’t as if there was much time for the stock to run out).
Paul Moloney #
By a bizarre coincidence, I just got mail that the PC version is now available on for €13 including delivery. Just ordered a copy – finally!