Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Vietnam free with Steam copy of BC2
I just got this message from Red:
For the steam sale copies, at least. If you add the code to EADM, you can select the Digital deluxe version, which apparently includes Vietnam as well.
Does this work for you?
Update: This is confirmed as working for multiple people now, so get on it ASAP before EA realise this mistake/Change their minds.
Update2: Possibly only if you got in the sale/recently.
Fnerk #
Seems to have worked for me, it asks you whether you want the Deluxe or Regular versions.
SAeN #
I bought the game shortly after it came out and it doesn’t seem to add Vietnam to y account despite choosing the digi deluxe version, unless it is included within. So it is almost certainly only for keys purchased from the sale.
thechicken #
Just tried it. It asks whether the key is the regular or Digital Deluxe, but I don’t think it actually lets you play Vietnam, as you need another key to unlock the Vietnam part of it.
Lewie Procter #
Ok, if someone who is downloading it could check for me, then we can confirm it for sure.
Dr. Evanzan #
I’ve just downloaded the Digital Deluxe and installed it.
Prompts for a key for both BFBC2 and Vietnam and the Steam sale key only works on BFBC2 for me. So no DICE (so to speak).
Dan #
Thanks for this lewie, my friend just purchased bc2 in the steam saleand has redeemed the code for digital deluxe, so hopefully when its downloaded, vietnam should be unlocked in game for him.
TinnionA #
Redeeming the code only seems to give you the digital deluxe version, which doesn’t include Vietnam afaik.
Lewie Procter #
This page seems to imply it does.
TinnionA #
Yep, all seems to be working fine. When you load up Bad Company 2, there’s an option to switch to Vietnam. When it asks you to put your key in, just use the CD Key you were given from steam and it should accept it. Thanks for the tip!
Danda #
What code do you mean? When I buy a Steam game I don’t get any code, it just gets added to my Steam games library.
thechicken #
Right Click -> View Game CD Key.
Danda #
It doesn’t show up. I have the US version like Valzi (see the comment below). Maybe that’s the reason?
Valzi #
I can see my CD key in Steam; that’s not the problem. I just can’t figure out where to input “EADM.”
@Danda: To get your CD key, left click on the game in your Steam library. Then, on the right side of the screen is the heading “LINKS.” In that list, click on “CD Key.”
Danda #
Now I found it! Thanks!
The only thing missing is the activation URL. I can’t open it for some reason, but you could try this one:
Valzi #
Yeah, but where do you put EADM? I don’t understand _the first step_.
Valzi #
Aha! EADM is an abbreviation for “EA Download Manager.”
I input my CD key in there and it asked which version I wanted, Digital deluxe or standard. I chose digital deluxe. It immediately prompted me for my key again. I entered it again and it says “The product code entered is already used.”
Valzi #
Doesn’t work for me. Then again, I’m in the US. Maybe it doesn’t work here…
TinnionA #
It accepted my key initially(even getting as far as the loading screen of one of the maps), but on quitting BC2 and going back in it asked for it again. Now it won’t accept it at all.
Rob #
It doesn’t work for me either..I bought the game on the steam sale on monday and I tried using my cdkey on vietnam and no dice :/.
nnkk #
I purchased the game yesterday, where i have to introduce that code?
Thanks in advance guys
Rirse #
Didn’t work for me, it only gave me the digital limited edition, which doesn’t work.
Blotzor #
Where do you enter the code? In steam, or in BC2? I tried it in steam, and it didn’t work.
Ziv #
EADM means EA download manager? I didn’t get it with the download. I just dled it via steam.
TheTingler #
Go to the EA Store and grab their Download Manager. You can sign in with the usual EA register, which should be the same as the one for BC2. I’ll try this later.
PearlChoco #
This works perfectly fine. Now.. is there a way to enable Vietnam in the Steam version of BC2?
isy #
Worked for me! Yo ugotta activate the game on the EA website. Put in the cd-key and log in.
isy #
strike that. Do I have to download the game itself from the EADM? Its giving me horrendous download rates. 9 hours remaining D:
Valzi #
It appears this has not worked for anyone. It looks like the original post needs an update reflecting this.
TinnionA #
I can get into the Vietnam part of it by joining a friend’s game. On trying to actually join any game, it just disconnects me. So at the moment, the closest I get to it is:
JohnPeat #
I bought BFBC2 in the Steam Sale – entered the code in EADM and it downloaded the ‘Digital Deluxe’ and installed it.
The code DOES NOT work to activate Vietnam tho – I think Vietnam’s inclusion on the DD page is a mistake with the extra £10 only geting you the ‘free unlocks’ described at the top of the page…
JohnPeat #
p.s. the game downloaded from EADM is identical to the Steam version – if you click ‘Vietnam’ in Steam you get the same code question etc. etc. – so if the code worked in the EADM version it would work in the Steam one…
PearlChoco #
Confirmed that it doesn’t work.
Downloaded the Digital Deluxe Edition from EADM using the Steam code, but after installing the game, Vietnam can’t be unlocked in-game using the same code.
isy #
Downloaded the game via EADM and it wouldn’t even install. I wouldn’t bother attempting this, EADM seems to be worse than GFWL. And that was baaaaaaad.
Dave #
I got the game in the sale, registered the game with EA, the Deluxe edition, downloaded with EADM, tried putting in the code in the Vietnam part and it didn’t work.
NeoShai #
I am currently downloading the digital deluxe edition. I’ll report if it comes with Vietnam.
proyebat #
I recommend people give EA chat support a holler. I sweet talked someone to unlock Vietnam by telling them I used the Steam provided CD-Key to unlock Vietnam.
Mike #
I just tried EA support, they said that I would have to purchase the deluxe edition through Origin/EADM to have it work.