The SavyGamer Podcast, Episode 14
You know how I’ve been complaining about my computer being a piece of trash ever since we started the show? Guess what happens when you combine that with a rough Internet connection and a show that needs some heavy editing. Yep – it’s a show that’s far later than is strictly necessary. The news may be stale, but the opinions are fresh – that’s the excuse, at any rate. You know what? I blame Cameron’s Britain.
In this show, we wade through gaming news to talk about the million-dollar pitcher, Gears of War 3, and the fantastic (and still available!) Humble Indie Bundle, as well as answering your questions from Twitter. What do we think about genres dying, and why is gaming TV crap? You’ll find out if you listen to our words, recorded for posterity and your pleasure and belatedly spilled onto your audio player of choice. Make sure you consume it quickly – there’ll be another episode along in just a couple of days!
Click here to begin playback or download the show directly.
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Also, don’t forget to follow us on Twitter! The account for the site is @SavyGamer, and you can find tweets from Lewie and Will at @LewieP and @Willeth respectively. Also, don’t forget to send us your suggestions for what you want to hear about in next week’s show with the hashtag #sgpodcast – we’ll pick the best to talk about in every show.
See you in a few days, folks, and maybe do something nice with your hair next time. You’re supposed to be a professional.